Shd Case Study Plan

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Chapter Three

In order to effectively meet the needs of students with disabilities (SWD) attending comprehensive high schools and taking career classes off campus at a stand alone Career Education Center, it is important to know how these two sites communicate on behalf of all SWD. By employing a qualitative multi-case study approach, I will interview teachers and administrators in an attempt to discover the current policies and practices concerning information sharing and collaboration on behalf of SWD. Also, this study seeks to discover if there are strengths, problems or gaps perceived by the staff at any of these sites relative to information sharing and collaborative efforts in meeting the needs of students with disabilities and their …show more content…

3) What are the strengths, problems and gaps identified by staff at comprehensive high schools and offsite stand-alone Career Education Centers relative to the needs of students with disabilities and their Individual Education Plan? I chose to use a qualitative multi-case study design, which Merriam (2002) states researchers use when they are interested in understanding and “Learning how individuals experience and interact with their social world, the meaning it has for them” (p. 4). In addition, qualitative research is well suited for the purposes of description, interpretation, and explanation” (Lee, 1999, p. 164). A multi-case study will examine a total of three cases or schools and I will begin by examining each school site as a specific entity in terms of their separate functions and activities; when this objective is completed, I will then connect each case in an effort to study the situation occurring between sites (Stake, 2013). The epistemology of the study will be of a social …show more content…

I am open to meeting in a place that the participant feels comfortable and relaxed. Informed consent forms will be are required by each study participant prior to the interview (APPENDIX I). This consent form outlines the purpose, procedures, potential risks and/ or benefits, confidentiality, the right to refuse or withdraw from the study at any time, as well as information concerning contact information of the researcher and the department chair. Participants will be asked to complete a basic demographic information survey on an iPad prior at the start of the interview. The survey will consist of questions such as age, sex and ethnicity, as well as questions related to the number of years teaching, and the types of licensure/certification of each participant in the study (Appendix J). After completion of the survey (5 minutes), I will inform participants of the purpose of my study, go over the form of the semi-structured interview questions (Appendix K), and the purpose of the Adult Informed Consent Form (Appendix I). I will go over concisely how I will be recording, storing, and analyzing the data collected, as well as describing each step I will be undertaking in an effort to maintain their confidentiality. I will inform them that I will send them transcripts of their