
Shelter Point: A Short Story

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{indent}Four years ago, Jenna left Shelter Point, with her two youngsters. A small island situated, West Hampton, New York, estimated 2,500 inhabitants. Divorced a month, queried what next action. Prays to God, show what passage should she pursue? {indent}She did not plan to leave, until Amy, her four-year-old exhibited ornery behaviors. No resemblance to her little babe; gone was the happy girl they know and love. In her stead an angry, stubborn girl; why she even fought with her brother Jason, they never quarreled. Beside herself with distress, palpated sudden sense of urgency to lay plan into action. {indent}Answer came to her Paris; idea developed in her head. Walks to her laptop; started conference call between her, Francois …show more content…

{indent}She protests, "Amy, come back here and apologize, Jason worries." {indent}Sad, Jason hated to see his little sister upset, regards his mom. {indent}"Sorry, she did not mean it, I will talk to her, play beside your cars, please," she interjected. {indent}"But mom," one peek at her face, made him stop, saunters over to his cars and plays. {indent}Followed Amy upstairs heard cries, found her, hugs her favorite stuffed bear; "honey, what baby, talk to mama, please," pleads. {indent}Sobs, "kids at camp, acts mean, mama, even Katie, she refuses, talk or play; promise, am a good girl Ma, why she mean?" {indent}Jenna's heart breaks, notes her little girl cry, picks up, seats on her lap, to kiss and hug her. {indent}Jenna, furious wanted to scream, but restrained herself; reasoned with herself. As much as she loved her hometown; could not handle attitudes; the divorce was final a month ago, for goodness' sake. {indent}"Baby, sorry they are mean, sweetie, not today, have errands, you could stay with Nana Jessie, I call, ask her?" {indent}"Please, mama, thank you," daughter smiled, appeared happier before

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