Shocking High School Uniforms: The Nature And Extent Of School Violence

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Introduction Cases of shocking high school violence in the U.S. have always grabbed the headlines whenever they occur. Such accidents leaves the general society in shock and great suffering. There are young and innocent Americans who have developed psychological problems or even lost their lives just because of high school bullies who find pleasure in causing physical pain or psychological distress in other students. Accepting the school uniform is one of the most active ways to end high school violence.
The Nature and Extent of School Violence Violence in high schools includes burglary, crimes against property, gun shootings, bullying and other crimes. According to Booth, Hasselt, and Vecchi (para 2), many students are increasingly falling victim to bullying in high schools across America, making it one of the most common social problems in American schools. In the year 2010, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a survey that shoes that an estimated 20.1% students had fallen victims of bullying at least once in the last 12 months (CDC 9). Lee Hirsch in his movie ‘Bully’ brought out the reality of the life of American victims of bullying …show more content…

The schools are given the freedom to choose the school uniform by the department of education (Walmsley 64). Parents buy school uniforms for their children, but poor students can also get their uniforms from their own schools at low prices. Public and private schools in the UK choose easily available materials for their uniforms. The American private schools have expensive uniform identification because they are found from specific suppliers (Walmsley 64). British parents prefer to spend money buying their children school uniforms rather than spend money on designer clothes. The children’s that wear uniform for school will focus on studying more because they will not think about fashion (Walmsley