Shortage Of Doctors In The United States Essay

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Shortage of Doctors in the United States There is a growing demand for doctors in the United States while there is a decline in the number of doctors from numerous Muslim countries. Due to the recent ban on “citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days” (Yasmin, web). This created fear for all doctors who were born in foreign countries which is more than “a quarter of the physician workforce” throughout the U.S. (Yasmin, web). This hurts the U.S. due to the fact that these doctors are here because we cannot keep up with the demand for physicians in the U.S.. Medical schools say “the order makes it harder to recruit newly minted MDs to work in hospitals as resident physicians” which in turn will hurt the number of physicians available (Yasmin, web). Physicians in the U.S. are usually matched with someone in countries such as Syria or Iran. If they are unable to enter the country this will cause numerous problems …show more content…

In this situation there is not enough physicians in relation to the amount needed at the set price due to the executive order. The amount needed can be referred to as demand which is a “combination of desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product” (Clayton, text). In this situation the demand is physicians in the U.S.. The need for doctors is inelastic. This occurs when “the percentage change in the independent variable causes a less than proportionate change in the dependant variable” (Clayton, text). In this case the need for doctors does not change even if the price is changing, the need will continue to rise. The amount of physicians in the U.S. changing due to the ban on immigrants while the price stays constant and the demand stays constant is know as a production function. This can be noted as “a figure that shows how total output changes when the amount of a single variable input changes while all other inputs are held constant” (Clayton,