Should American Companies Help Their Employees Lose Weight Essay

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Shouldn't American companies be helping their employees lose weight instead of just sitting by waiting for their day with the Doctor to come?
Metabo Law was first enacted in 2008 in japan, it was to measure employee's waist to see if it was above the given male and female waist limit. This was checked once they hit the age 45 to 74, the waistlines for men to have at a maximum waist size of 35.4 and women being 31.5. They decided that this would help lower obesity in their country. Japan government thought obesity was a problem since it has many problems that come with it such as heart disease, diabetes, higher risk of cancer, and etc.
I believe that we should take what japan did and add our own metabo law to an extent since we are the land of the free.
Companies should help their employees lose weight to benefit the company and the employees. My other claim is companies should be motivating their employees to stay healthy so the can be more productive in the workspace. …show more content…

My reasoning is that if companies already help with health care problems with their employees why not add obesity to health care so instead of waiting for heart disease to happen. My second evidence to this is that heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions account for 75 percent of health care spending. In 2000 obesity cost us 117 billion. Turning this around would benefit companies and employees. This could save companies money by getting their employees a fitness trainer or a dietitian since they would only need those for a while then they will be fine on their own as long as they kept up what they were doing. Plus this could be saving lives of those who have obesity instead of letting them get heart disease and

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