Should Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay

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Athletes can be tested 365 days a year without advance notice ( U.S. anti-doping agency,p.1). Drug testing on athletes has been a controversy for many years. People debate if athletes should not be drug tested and if they should. Although many people believe that drug testing on athletes should not happen because it violates the fourth amendment, athletes should be drug tested to protect athletes health, to stop athletes from using drugs, and to make competition fair.

Athletes are often held to higher standard population, both in terms of their physical abilities and their conduct on and off the field. Drug testing is essential for the well-being of athletes. According to Aa fallahi, part of the school of physical education and sport …show more content…

Many organizations have implemented strict policies to prevent athletes from taking drugs. According to Larry D. part of the Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in Indiana, drug testing is used “ to protect the health of athletes and to ensure respect for the ethical concepts implicit in Fair Play”. This shows the importance of drug testing to promote a fair and safe environment, also for athletes to show their natural talent and not to rely on performance drugs . Additionally, drug testing helps to stop athletes from doping. Doping is a term used to describe the use of drugs to help with your performance ``Other national and international sport-governing bodies, especially in Europe, quickly established rules regarding the use of drugs ¨(Larry D,p.1). Many organizations around the world are working to stop athletes from using drugs by creating strict rules to fight against this …show more content…

Many people believe that drug testing violates people's rights. According to American civil liberties union drug testing on athletes doesn't work because ¨This policy violates students' rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, as outlined by the Fourth Amendment¨. Drug testing a random athlete without having evidence. Another example of why drug testing doesn't work is because ¨A drug test is not likely to catch most drug users¨. While many athletes are caught, many others are still participating in sports. People believe that drug testing violates the 4 amendment because you are violating the athletes rights but is not because athletes are to voluntarily agree to take a drug test to be able to participate in any sport or competition. It's true that drug testing may not catch all drug users but it will help reduce athletes that use drugs to have a fair competition. Also there are drugs that are difficult to detect as technology continues to advance and eventually drugs will be easier to