Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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Should college athletes be paid? College athletes are paid too much because college athletes get paid more than people with jobs, they make more money in a few years than most people ever will, it’s a sport and not a job, however, college athletes are trained and are hard workers. As of 2022 college athletes make an average of $46 thousand a year. College athletes are paid too much. They make more than an average person with a job. College athletes are paid more than people with normal jobs. College athletes make around $46 thousand yearly, that is nearly the same and more than the average person. The average person makes around $45,000 a year while college athletes make $46,000 to $100,000 or more through the year. College athletes …show more content…

Most College athletes begin sports in middle school to prepare for sports in college which may give them advantages when playing a certain sport and might raise the amount they are paid yearly.Playing for NFL and other big league sports will earn you a lot of money, nearly around $100,000 to $1,000,000 yearly. Rarely a college athlete will go pro and make it into big events such as NBA,NFl and other big sport events. Not very many people stay in a sport their whole college career, They may drop out or decide a different sport or career path and leave the sports behind them. College athletes may never graduate depending on their other classes or if they only went to college for sports and decided to give up on sports and drop out of college and never make as much as they potentially could if they stayed in college or stuck with a certain sport. NFL and NBA demand certain requirements be met in order to join bigger leagues and some college athletes may not be able to reach the requirements. A requirement to potentially join NFL and NBA is to complete all of college and can not have failed any classes throughout the years you have attended the college you decided to go to. College athletes may go on to be pro players and make millions of dollars a year unlike most people will ever make in their entire …show more content…

Accessed 12 January 2023.
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