Should Division One Athletes Be Paid Essay

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I enjoyed reading your topic proposal about paying Division One athletes. Although I am conducting research on the increasing cost of higher education, I, unfortunately, do not have a lot of experience in regard to Division One athletes. In class, Ms. Budahn mentioned an incident at Northwestern located in Chicago. I believe that this would be a good place to start to try to understand why college athletes are not paid to play. Some other specific avenues that you could explore are whether or not Division Two and Division Three athletes should be compensated even though it is at a less competitive level. While I was reading your proposal, I found it intriguing that your idea was sparked during a family debate. Do you plan on playing collegiate-level sports next year?

After reviewing your thesis statement, I believe that you could make it more precise. For example, something along the lines of, “Division One athletes should be paid due to the amount of time required, the violation of the students’ intellectual property, and general culture of professional sports” which would focus your research. Later in the paper, you can state and support concepts such as the video games and magazine appearances. Also, when I was reading your thesis, it lacked the “so what” factor. If you could somehow …show more content…

A potential source that you could use is the National Collegiate Athletic Association website ( To my knowledge, all college athletes have to abide by the regulations set forth by the NCAA. I think that it would be a good place to start to gain a holistic understanding of why college athletes are not compensated. Also, I believe that it would be a good idea to read to through the contracts that Division One athletes have to sign; this would further develop your understand with regards to the legal side of Division One