Should Evolution Be Taught In Schools

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According to the website “the Kansas State Board of Education has taken a major policy step by voting last year to delete Evolution from its new state science standards. And in Rochester, New York, a controversy has erupted over attempts to create a publicly funded charter school that will reportedly include the teaching of creationism in its science classes.” More and more of the human race are having an open view on Intelligent Design and Evolution and accepting them both as scientifically logical way of explaining life on earth. Along with teaching the theory of Darwinian Evolution public schools should also teach the Creationist theory since like evolution intelligent design is just a theory and also so students can have an unbiased …show more content…

According to the Institution for Creation, “no laboratory experiment can either confirm or falsify a process which, by its very nature, requires millions of years to accomplish significant results”. Since Evolution is not a fact why only teach it in schools, why not point out both beliefs? Both are theories and both deserve to be heard. Researcher Henry Morris from the Institution for creation claimed that neither evolution or creation are accessible to the scientific method. He stated: “They deal with origins and history, not with presently observable and repeatable events” (qtd. In Morris par.9). Furthermore, Evolution and Creationism can be formulated as scientific models or frameworks within which to predict and correlate observed facts. Neither can be proved, neither can be tested, they can only be compared in terms of relative ease with which they can explain data that exists in the real world. Many Evolutionist and Creationists are very adamant and can’t allow both theories to co exist, they won’t open their minds to respecting other views and seeing that none can be proven. Evolutionists won’t allow the teaching of Intelligent Design in Public Schools but both are theories and both are expanationions to the elusive truth about the Origin of life on …show more content…

Students ar not given a fair choice they are only taught Evolution and not knowledgeable about creationist views, that hardly seems like they can make an informed decision. In her research, writer Rachel LeFevre concluded that “both theories are specific belief systems which people can adopt if they so choose”. Therefore it is important to present both belief systems to young people during their education. It is important for student to be able to decide their views on certain issues. Presenting only one side of the issue is unfair and biased. In her article LeFevre also stated that “both theories should be presented in an unbiased, informative manner”(par.3). Creationism is counterpart to evolution and it need to be addressed to give students the opportunity to make an informed choice. Without the awareness of both models one cannot make rational decisions. Therefore, public schools should teach both views on how life came to