Should Government Be Able To Monitor And Keep Tabs On What We The Student Do?

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"Should the government be able to monitor and keep tabs on what we the students do? In my essay I will be discussing whether or not I feel students should be limited and constantly under surveillance. I feel students should be limited to what we can do on the internet. Most say the internet can be very dangerous which is completely true but that doesn't mean that we cannot be trusted so we all need to constantly need to be watched on what we do? My opinion is that students should be limited to what they can access on the internet, but not monitored. Some students feel awkward being monitored or watched, which could make them feel socially awkward or like they have no privacy. Also if i were to be on a social account that I may talk to my friends …show more content…

Well what if they break that rule.We live in America and that means freedom and freedom of speech so let us take advantage of what we have. If you want to monitor what I do on social media then you might as well follow me everywhere I go because either way you are invading my personal life. If you want to monitor what your little children do then thats fine, thats what a child lock and youtube kids is for but your teenagers/young adults deserve to be trusted and if you want to monitor what we do then what's the point of even giving us technology. Honestly if you are going to monitor what we are all doing we can all just act fake and act like we all give you guys a show I mean why else why would you monitor us anyways. It's not the schools business what any student talks about, if a student gets bullied they need to step up and tell a adult like everyone always tells them to do and if they don't want to listen and own up to what's happening then that is their fault and they are just putting it all on