Should Hate Speech Be Regulated Research Paper

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Hate Speech Should be Regulated People now on these days do not care about the word hate speech because it’s not even mentioned that much like back on the old days where people would protest against the first amendment. Moreover hate speech can lead to crimes and it’s largely protected in the courts.
Hate speech is when a person or a group of people is attacked based on factors such as their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. It can also include verbal and written communication. The First Amendment should protect hate speech because it’s protecting the marginalized people if the Americans do not the marginalized people will be targeted next. First, hate speech should not be regulated because words hurt, infringe on our right …show more content…

Marginalized means a group of immigrants, low-income housing, a person in color, and LGBTQ. In other words restricting hate speech is going to affect any marginalized groups because the Americans are “free” to the fact that marginalized people still get treated bad and suffer for their right. According to an article The Case for Restricting Hate Speech it states “Because we are “free” to be hateful, members of traditionally marginalized groups suffer”(Nielsen). Therefore multiple people are not the only thing that is being affected in this world when it comes to hate speech. Nobody mentions society in to the word hate speech but, little did they know that society is being affected because of how many people take advantage of hate speech and free speech. According to the article named Is the First Amendment too broad regulating hate speech in America it