Should Hobby Checker Be In The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Essay

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Chubby checker should be in the rock and roll hall of fame because he made something new that everyone does today. He created the limbo and the twist and people still do that today and they get a lot of money. But at the same time people don’t reward him for making the twist and other people get money for dancing his dance and don’t give him credit. Should he deserve to be in the rock and roll hall of fame?. I say yes because he made something brilliant that is still danced to this day but don’t get money or credit

He deserves to be in the rock and roll hall of fame because he made the best thing in the business. Its called the twist and the limbo, the twist made Chubby Checker famous and also the limbo. In one of the articles that I found about Chubby Checker and it says ” Chubby Checker’s given the music business something great”. He deserve to be in the hall of fame for making the limbo and twist. People do that until today and it’s still famous, they call Chubby Checker the rock and roll aerobatic. …show more content…

Chubby Checker should get credit because he made the twist and he was known for making the twist and kept it alive. The song makes everyone get up and dance and makes everyone happy, he now don’t get credit for the Twist. Right now if you look Chubby Checker, he's a nobody because everyone is doing the twist and no one don’t remember who was the creator. That’s why he should be in the rock and roll hall of fame because no one knows who he is even though he was the creator of the

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