Should Kids Get Paid To Go To School Essay

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Should Kids Get Paid to Go to School? By Austin Nelson Should kids get paid while going to school? Going to school is like a job and kids should get paid. Kids should get paid because it helps them want to learn but the problem is how are we going to come up with the money to pay the kids in school? kids should get paid for going to school because it can help pay for their college, it can also help them understand finances and how to use money wisely, it can help motivate kids to work harder in their classes in school. What makes kids want to go to school and work? Money does. “It's no secret that kids in America have the privilege of going to school, but not all of them appreciate it parents consistently hear complaints like, “I dont want …show more content…

According to this article “Website “TheTopTens” Title “Top Ten Reasons Why Kids Should Get Paid to Go to School?” Section 6.” Getting paid and going to school can help pay for college. “Me as a nearly 19-year-old is currently going to a community college which is way cheaper than a traditional college.” “However even if I wanted to go to a university I don't think I could afford it.” Nextly, this website called “Website “Dobie News” Title “PV: Students Should Get Paid For Having Good Grades.” Author Ashley Sustayta, Date Published February 22, 2017.” “Teaching Students to responsibly use their money will help them become more successful in life later on”. According to Ashlyn Sustayta, Staff reporter February 22, 2017. Going to school and getting paid can teach students how to finance their money for the future. Getting good amounts of money for getting good grades can be used to pay for college. Even when you don’t have a big house or your parents can’t afford a Division 1 or 2 college, so instead you go to a community college which is not bad but not the best. Overall kids should get paid in school so, they could afford a good college education when they're older. You don’t have to get paid for going to school to afford college if you are smart enough or are good at sports the colleges can give you a scholarship. The benefits of college, in the long run, can result in having a good-paying job like a Teacher, or an engineer and many more, college can help you have higher paying jobs instead of having a high school