Good Grades

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“Should students be paid for good grades?”. It is a common question asked by many teachers and parents. Mothers, father, and educators debate whether paying for good grades is effective, and helps children academically, or brings down their grades and motivation. Many parents argue that paying their children for getting good grades can help boost their child’s motivation to learn, while other parents disagree, claiming that bribing their children to be successful doesn’t work in the long term. Students that receive money over a long course of time have shown lower academic performances. According to some teachers, paying students for good grades can cause conflicts in the classroom, which could possibly lead to difficulty at home with parents. Paying students are also shown to be good for only a short period of time, can cause conflicts with parents, teachers, and fellow peers, and money does not leave kids with a true desire to learn.

At the outset, students should not be paid, because students who receive money show lower academic performances than those that do not. As stated in the article “Parents paying their children money …show more content…

This claim is from the article “Should Parents Pay for Good Grades?”. The NEA article claims “Many teachers also say paying students for grades leads to practical problems in their classrooms, including pressure to inflate grades and conflict with students and parents”. Therefore, students may be under pressure to earn more money that other students. This can affect students by leaving them under pressure and stress to do better, which can cause their grade to be lowered. Lowering the grade of the student could mean possible problems with parents. These conflicts between the parent and student could possibly lead to a complaint to the school. As can be seen, students should not be paid for good