Should LO # 2 And 4 Be The Top Priorities Of A Warrant Officer?

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1. Purpose: To explain why Line of Effort (LOE) #2 and #4 should be the top priorities of the Warrant Officer 2025 strategy.

2. Facts:

a. The greatest strength of the warrant officer corps and the greatest value it brings to the Army is the knowledge and technical expertise of the warrant officer and the ability to adapt and apply that expertise to the current operating environment in order to facilitate mission accomplishment.

b. LOE #2 focuses on development of the warrant officer. The warrant officer’s technical expertise begins with Professional Military Education (PME) and is honed and strengthened through years of experience applying concepts learned in PME with lessons learned from prior experiences in the operating environment. …show more content…

Another supporting objective of LOE #2 is to fundamentally change warrant officer PME through institutional agility and unity of effort to improve future warrant officer leader development. The PME courses should be fluid enough that the curricula can be changed in a reasonable amount of time to reflect the changing environment that the warrant officers are working in. One example of this is that the PME should not wait until the end of life of a critical system to incorporate the replacement system into the POI and start teaching it. There have been times that a critical system of record had been replaced across much of the Army and students were still being taught that system and not the newer replacement system. Students that have already migrated to the replacement should not be receiving instruction on the legacy system that they will not use when they return to their units. Students that are still on the legacy system at their home units would incur a higher benefit from receiving instruction on the system that will become the new system of record than they would on a system that will soon be replaced. Once the decision to move to a new system is made, the curricula on how to operate that system should be developed so that it is ready to be implemented when the new system is ready for rollout. Instruction based on current, relevant content will produce better technicians better prepared to operate in the changing environment at their …show more content…

LOE #4 addresses the Army Profession. The first supporting objective is to promote and strengthen a professional culture of trust. Promoting a fundamental change in the culture through stewardship and esprit de corps programs is one of the key tasks in accomplishing this. Esprit de corps programs will give the warrant officers a feeling that they have a higher personal stake in the game and a heightened sense of responsibility to sustain and improve the warrant officer corps. By making a concerted effort to build these programs, the Army can foster an environment where the warrant officers take ownership of the corps. This will lead to a higher sense of purpose and responsibility when it comes to improving and strengthening it. Every unit will benefit, having better warrant officers who want to ensure the legacy of the warrant officer corps, developing better future warrant