Should School Uniforms Be Required

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Should Uniforms be Required?
There has always been a debate about whether students should have to wear uniforms to school. However, evidence shows that kids shouldn’t have to wear uniforms because they are self-restricting, it can give their school a bad reputation, and they don’t stop bullying like people think it does. First, kids shouldn 't have to wear uniforms because they are self-restricting to the kids (Procon.) Students need to be able to develop their personal identity by dressing how they want. Having to wear uniforms restricts them from doing so. They don’t let children be who they truly want to be. Also, requiring students to wear uniforms can give the school a bad reputation (Health Guidance.) If children are seen causing trouble while wearing the school’s uniform, people will think poorly of the school. This could also influence parents not to let their kid attend the school because of what they’ve witnessed other children from the school making bad choices. Finally, many people think uniforms can prevent bullying, but they really don’t (The Olympian.) Kids these days are being bullied for who they hang out with and their interests. Wearing a …show more content…

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