Should Sex Education Be Taught In Schools

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Imagine if sex education classes were offered in all schools in America. Teachers would not only teach about abstinence but also information on contraceptive choices. While some say that sex education is necessary for a student’s education, others argue that it is not taught correctly by schools and that it is not the schools place to teach it. Because sex education is so controversial, parents should consider multiple view points before making any decisions about whether or not to allow their child to take the class offered at the school.
Many parents believe that teaching students about abstinence only can leave them in the blind about safe sex when they choose to have sex. But many people believe that schools should offer lessons on birth control, condoms, and sexually transmitted diseases. By doing so this will allow students to know more about sex which could protect them in the long run. On the other hand, some believe that sex education should be taught at home behind closed doors by parents because it is more …show more content…

Another viewpoint is that parents may feel teachers are undermining their parental rights. A parent may think that a teacher is telling their child that he information their parents gave them is wrong and to listen to them. In the article, "Does Sex Ed Undermine Parental Rights?" George Dailard states that parents are responsible for bringing new people into the world, bound to them by blood and, ordinarily, deep feeling. Dailard goes on to say that parents may feel teachers are incapable of developing their uniquely human capacities on their own, giving parents an obligation to their children and to society to help them reach maturity — one that requires attending not only to children’s physical and emotional needs, but their intellectual and moral growth as well. (George par.