Should Transgenders Be Allowed In Schools

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“You can’t go into that bathroom,” I was heartbroken. “Why can’t I go into that bathroom?” “You’re a girl-you have to act like one”(Jessy). The LGBT community has been unfairly mistreated and segregated all throughout history and even today transgenders are not getting the love and support they deserve in many places including some schools. Being transgender is not something inferior or wrong, it simply means that a person identifies as a different sex than they were born with. Transgenders should be able to use the gender of restrooms, locker rooms, and showers that they identify by because Title X1 already states there is no segregation at school, it will help communities be more welcoming to transgenders, and this will make transgenders …show more content…

On June 23, 1972 the President of the United States signed Title XI. Title X1 is a law that states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”(Title X1). This law is included for all students and shows that schools can not discriminate against any students gender including students use of bathrooms. Even though transgender identify as a different gender they were born with does not mean schools can discriminate against them and forbid them from using the bathroom they want to use. It has also been included in Title X1 on April 19 in a federal court ruling that, ”You have the right to use restrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities that are consistent with your gender identity, and cannot be forced to use separate facilities”(Know your rights). However, some schools are refusing to follow these rules and are getting rightfully sued. Schools cannot have discrimination against any type of students and need to be accepting to everyone, including …show more content…

And I know what it means to be alive.”. Allowing transgenders to use the bathroom that they identify by will help transgenders feel more like themselves, and the gender that they want to be instead of something that they are not. Some transgenders keep it hidden most of their lives and never felt truly happy, “I used to think that I was broken. It was not until I was a freshman in highschool that I found the word to describe the piece that was missing.” Child and young adulthood is the perfect time to find who you and allowing transgenders to use the bathroom that feel most comfortable will help students who are transgender accept and love themselves. They can transition and work through what it means to become transgenders earlier in their life if they understand that it okay to be transgender. Transitioning earlier in your life is also easier, especially when the transgender hasn’t gone through puberty