
Sigmund Freud And Psychodynamic Theory Paper

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Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis. Today’s psychological science is skeptical about many of Freud’s ideas and methods (Myers, 2014). Freud had a huge impact on the personality’s studies, helping the future generations to understand the human Personality- an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting (Myers, 2014). Accordantly, Freud was the first neurologist to focus clinical attention on our Unconscious Mind- according to Freud, a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories (Myers, 2014). Consequently, Freud focused his work on Psychodynamic theories, which study the personality view of the human behavior as a dynamic interaction between the conscious and unconscious mind. These theories are descendent from Freud’s psychoanalysis (Myers, 2014). …show more content…

Psychoanalysis is Freud’s theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions (Myers, 2014). Furthermore, it becomes a method of mental disorders treatment.
In this sense, Freud sought to explain human’s life using sexual tendencies. Therefore, psychoanalysis understands the great manifestations of the psyche as a conflict between the libido or sexual orientation, moral formulas and social limitations imposed on the individual. These conflicts generate dreams, which according to the Freudian interpretation, are the symbolic expressions of repressed wishes. Also, generate the failure or lapses, but that refer or reveal those same

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