
Significant Historical Events During The 19th And Early 20th Century

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During the 19th and early 20th century there were many great social thinkers who bought different opinions about significant historical events happening during these times. These social thinkers were Karl Marx, Emilie Durheim and Marx Weber. Each social thinker made great contributions to society today where sociologist still use their theories. For this question, I will be focusing on Karl Marx and how Modernity, Alienation and the European Enlightment impact Marx’s writing. It was Karl Marx who witnesses for himself the “chaotic social change marked by industrialization and urbanization”(Bratton and Denham 2014:25). These two concepts are under Modernity which was being witnessed in Western Europe at this time. Besides Industrilization and …show more content…

Marx looked at the concept of alienation with labour and how the work we do cause us to become alienated under capitalistsm. Marx compared humans to animals. In this debate Marx believed that what made us humans different to anmals was that “humans capacity to work consciously actively and for purposes physical need defines our species being” (Stonebridge 2017:week 3). In marx writing of alienation he state that humans become alienated in four ways, alienation from the product meaning that humans put all this hard energery into a product but do not get any benfit only the capitalist do, alienation from the process meaning that workers cant choose their working environment rather it is chose for them, alienation from our species meaning that we are only working for the wages not for the actual fulfillement of the jobs and lastly alienation from others meaning that under capitalism everyone looks at each other in the workforce as capitalism. Marx believed that the only benefit to alienation was that technology would “enrich the species life of everyone rather than produce profits for only the few” (Stonebridge:2017:week

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