Simple Syrup Lab Report

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Simple syrup preparation

1. Decide the flavour and no. of units as per production plan.
2. Carry out the CIP of simple syrup tank, filter press, coating tank, and all syrup line.
3. Weight the desired quantity of sugar put it on dumping platform.
4. Take sufficient quantity of water in simple syrup tank (60 litre for 100kg sugar).
5. Start agitation .
6. Heat water to 700C .
7. Dump the sugar.
8. Heat it to 800C.
9. Add calculated amount of ACF powder.
10. After 10 min. add calculated amount of hyflowsupercells
11. Leave it for 20 min.
12. Dress up the filter peper with 48 Nos. filter peper.
13. Take 35kg of hyflow in precoating tank and dissolve it in 150 ltr of water.
14. Recirculate the solution of precoating tank through filter press till solution become clear .
15. Now recirculate the syrup through filter press by maintaining the pressure difference between inlet and outlet <1 bar.
16. Take the sample for carbon testing by filtering through 0.45 micron membrane.
17. Carry the simple syrup to ready syrup tank according to syrup matrix.
18. When the whole syrup is filtered ,take 300 litre of water in simple syrup tank.
19. Recirculate it through filter press and test it for carbon carry over.
20. If test is ok carries this syrup to ready syrup room at 200C.
21. Check the brix, odor, appearance , sedimentation and flock test of sample and record it.
22. Open and clean the filter press with treated water.
23. Carry out the CIP of simple syrup tank, filter press, and

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