Examples Of Ethical Issues In Nursing

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Nurses often encounter ethical dilemmas in their daily working routine having faced difficulties in maintaining between what is right versus what is wrong.

This assignment will begin with an outline of the incident that had occurred in one of clinical setting which involved a court hearing at Singapore Nursing Board. This is followed by the legal and ethical implications. In addition, arguments based on the principles of Autonomy, Beneficence and Non-Maleficence pertaining to the incident will be discussed.
The Case
The incident occurred during a night shift. The Staff Nurse-in-charge A and Enrolled Nurse B had 14 patients under their care with four patients that needs closer monitoring as they were on dangerous ill list and had multiple blood transfusion. Apart from that, they had five empty beds which had been booked for admission by bed management unit. During this time, Mr A. was admitted to the ward due to chronic liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy and appeared very confused upon arrival to the ward. According to Herrine (2012) a person with liver disease …show more content…

Given the complications of his condition chronic liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy, the need for IV Thiamine will be crucial. However patient still refused treatment ordered by the doctor. An analysis of this case indicates that it is important to maintain patient’s autonomy however it is also critical that patient receive the IV thiamine treatment. The nurse has a role to play to exercising the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence for her patients. As according to Butterworth (2009) there is a need for prompt, effective thiamine supplementation in all patients with chronic liver failure. Because in liver cirrhosis patient will lead to thiamine depletion that will affect brain functioning this will aggravate Mr A