
Sinners In The Hands Of God Is Angry God Analysis

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God is angry at everyone that sins. Sinners will be eternally damned in hell and burn in the fire of God’s wrath. Everytime that you sin, you sink lower and lower into the fires of hell. In the story “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, author Jonathan
Edwards (1703-1758) preaches to the churches and to the world that if you sin or do wrong, you go to hell and burn for eternity.
“The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber…”
God’s wrath is upon everybody that sins, so they are all going to hell. When it says,
“their damnation does not slumber…”, Edwards is saying that they (the sinners) are damned for eternity and will burn forever in the fires of hell.
The purpose is to inform all the sinners that God’s wrath is upon them and they …show more content…

Edward’s is telling the people not to sin so they will not have to burn in hell for eternity.
“You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it.”
God has everyone “hanging by a slender thread” over the pit to hell while the flames wait for Him to drop you lower so they can singe the thread to make you fall into the flames of hells wrath.
Everyone is hanging on a thread at God’s hand, and everytime you sin you get dropped lower and lower into the fires of hell. Everytime you sin, you are one step closer to being eternally damned.
“You will absolutely despair of having and deliverance…”
Once you are burning in hell, you willhave no hope of every being rescued. You will burn in hell forever with nothing or no person to save you no matter how hard you try to repent of the sins that got you stuck in the first place.
The author is saying not to get youself into hell so you wont get yourself

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