Skull And Bones Essay

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There is no secret that secret societies infest the world. These societies grand design is for a single world government with a single market place, policed by one army and financially regulated by one World Bank. Secret societies such as the Skull and Bones, Bilderberg group and Masons, with powerful and widely known member’s influences and may even control the world!
The history of Skull and Bones in America starts at Collegiate School in Connecticut (later known as Yale University). The Skull and Bone society is the most secretive organization in the world, whose members include some of the most powerful men of the 20th Century. Only 15 senior students are chosen or “trapped” a year, which is 800 members living at one time. This elite group …show more content…

(Robbins) Donaldson, like President Bush, has taken the Bones oath of silence. Bonesmen are forbidden to reveal what goes on in their inner sanctum, a windowless building on the Yale campus referred to as the Tomb. The 15 selected graduates sit in the Tomb for hours revealing their most personal history creating a strong bond between them. This creates a form of protection for the Skull and Bones society because everybody knows everything about everybody. For one them to betray Skull and Bones that would mean betraying 14 of their closest friends. A few patriarchs’ members include William F. Buckley Jr. Bones class of 1950(Founder of National Review, the leading conservative magazine in the United States), McGeorge Bundy and brother William Bundy Bones initiated in 1950( McGeorge headed the Ford Foundation, William chaired the Council on Foreign Relations), Richard Ely Danielson Bones class of 1907( Publisher of the Atlantic Monthly magazine, the leading magazine for seeing policy line on issues coming out of the Eastern Establishment), Henry Davidson Bones class of 1920( Key senior partner in the Guaranty banking and financial trust networks, founded by fellow Bonesman Harold Stanley) and William C. Whitney …show more content…

The Mason history dates back to biblical times. Their trademark logo of the Brazen Pillars of Hiram (Shown in figure 1) hides the roots of the Masons. Hiram Abiff was a member of the Tribe of Naphtali, also said to be a son of the Tribe of Dan. (Gardiner)Both tribes had emblems of serpents and the horse. Old Testaments in the bible shows dislike for the Danites, whom they called serpents. Nevertheless, they adopted Daniel and transformed him into a Hebrew prophet. Historians say that Daniel is not a personal name but more like a title. His “powers” were like the Goddess Dana and her scared serpents in Egyptian history. Daniel of the Bible is related to Dana Goddess of the Celtic Europe. Methods and practices as ancient as Stonehenge or the Great Pyramids, are the roots and bases for what is now known as the Freemasons. Masonic organizations before the Modern Age learned that government has never handed down liberty for the individual—that people gain liberty through the limitation of the powers of government not the increase of them. People learn