Slave Labor In South Africa

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The modern use of slave labor in the production of crops and vegetables i.e. in the agricultural sector takes many forms. In Brazil, the ability of powerful landowners to repress poor workers is an important facet of agricultural production on a large scale. In South Asia, the cultural standards and traditions are used to exploit the benefits of the defenseless communities. In both cases, inequality and poverty are implicit, and debt is used as a means to legitimize bondage and slavery.
Reduced costs of transportation and ease in communication have made way for the rise of migratory flows over the last few decades. This has been empowered by the people’s wish to migrate to regions deemed more prosperous and politically stable. With strict border controls enforced in many countries and low amount of work opportunities in host countries, the organized crime organizations take the helm as to assist in illegal migration. The illicit activity of “Trafficking in Persons” (TIP), often deemed as “modern day slavery,” makes its profits on the exploitation of human rights regarding people as commodities.

Enslavement and bondage are still African realities. To be more precise, they are realities around the world. Hundreds of thousands of Africans still suffer in silence in dire situations of forced labor and commercial sexual mistreatment from which they cannot free themselves. People who are vulnerable to trafficking are growing in Africa, which leads to a rise in victims for

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