Smoking Should Be Banned In America Essay

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Should we enforce the smoking ban in all the states in America? What is the smoking ban? The smoking ban is when you can not smoke in public places, such as public transport, parks, beaches, theaters, restaurants, and etc. There are two sides to this controversy, the first one is that America should enforce the smoking ban because it could lower the health care costs and it helps people quit smoking. The other side to this controversy is that America should not enforce the smoking ban because the government makes money off cigarettes and it intrudes people’s personal life. I believe that there should be a smoking ban in all the states in America.
Some people believe that America should not enforce the smoking ban because the government makes …show more content…

Based on the article "Smoking Ban Pros and Cons" it states that "This may have a natural effect of lowering healthcare costs in each community because there could be less overall smoking going on." In other words this shows that if there is a smoking ban and people stop smoking the health care won't be as expensive because there are not going to be as much smokers. However, if there is a lot of smokers the health care will costs more. Furthermore, in the article "Smoke-Free Policies Improve Health" it states that "Studies have shown that smokefree laws that prohibit smoking in public places like bars and restaurants help improve the health of workers and the general population. Some of these improvements in health outcomes, such as reductions in hospital admissions for heart attacks, begin to be realized shortly after the laws take effect." This shows how the smoking ban has already helped so many people, that it limit the amount of times they go to the doctor. This relates to the fact that the smoking ban lowers health care because theses smokers do not go the doctors often which then results in lowering the costs of health care. Thus, this is why the smoking should be enforced in America since it will lower health