
Snapchat Informative Speech

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From classic dog ears, to voice changing abilities. Everyone is familiar with the tech giant and social media network called Snapchat. Every single day everyone in this room sends tens, hundreds, or even thousands of snaps. I am Ryan Roth and today I am going to cover the short history of this very prevalent app, and look at some of the pros, and the dangers of this multi-billion dollar company. Snapchat’s brief history has built the strong foundation for an app everyone knows today as the king of social media found on everyone’s phones. It all started back in September of 2011, when Evan Spiegel, a Stanford University student, built an app in a technology class. Little did Spiegel know that in only 11 months, his non-profit app would have …show more content…

The first great danger we have, Cyberbullying. We see this everywhere and it has become a national epidemic. Snapchat makes it very easy for individuals to feel singled out, or left behind. Colter highlights the blocking features the app has, which make is very easy to single others out. Also, this is a perfect setting for a predator. Evidence is immediately deleted making it easy to fulfill others with negative comments says Dr. Sameer Hinduja. The app opens up many doors to excluding friends, and exposing individuals to a number of different forms of cyberbullying. We all remember the three best friends list. Secondly, sexual predators like to make Snapchat a home. Sexual predators are people who snap teenage students for the mere intent of performing illegal sexual acts, or receiving sexually revealing pictures. In 2015, four students at a high school in Illinois, faced criminal charges for obtaining sexual pictures of underage classmates and distributing them to 25 other students, explains Dr. Hinduja. Snapchat makes it easy to find targets for this predators, as over 85% of females aged 13-18 are on Snapchat according to Kylie Bartholomew, in a June 2017 article on ABC News. Private settings and increased control over the app are steps in making the sexual predator problem less frequent. Finally, the most immediate dangers on Snapchat, is the newly added Snap Map. Bartholomew writes, “It shows your friends your location of you in the moment, obviously exposing kids to more bullying, stalking, and strangers.” The Snap Map is different from other forms of social media because you do not have to manually check yourself into a location. This means that at all times the user is on the app, anyone can see where they are going, and when. Snap Map is a very dangerous tool and many people to not take in consideration the dangers of this seemingly fun add on. Snapchat is

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