Snapshot Survey Of School Involvement

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In the summer of 2017, I was enrolled in the online Elementary School Curriculum class. During this class, I was given an assignment in which I was to write an essay assessing the overall school climate and need. I was also required to develop and include an action plan for an intervention that would address a chosen need. The first step I took was to get copies of Robert Marzano’s Snapshot Survey of School Effectiveness Factors to three of my colleagues. I decided to just walk through the school buildings one day and ask any of the teachers I met to complete one for me. Luckily, I was able to get a Kindergarten teacher, a fourth grade teacher, and the Gifted & Talented Teacher/Parent Involvement Coordinator to complete and return them back …show more content…

After completing all of the necessary calculations and averages for every single item listed on the survey, I was able to determine the top three successes and the bottom four weaknesses from all of the factors listed on the survey. After this, I was to choose one of the identified weaknesses as the area I would focus further on and develop an intervention for. I chose the parental and community involvement factor because not only was it the very lowest scored factor, but it was also one I felt could have tremendous impact on improving student success, one that would not be impossible to accomplish, and one that I have personally been passionate about for a few years now.
The second phase of this assignment required me to develop an intervention for improving parental and community involvement. I was able to refer to my old textbook and notes from my school and community relations class for some help with this, such as creating a task force and creating a needs assessment survey. I also just used some common sense knowledge as to different things that should be done, based on my own school observations and experiences in being involved with various school