
Social Class School Observation Report

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Growing up I attended many different schools, at least ten or more schools. All of which had different economic statuses. Theses schools ranged from upper class, middle class, and lower class. I was able to experience how different economic status affect education, especially for children in poverty. The last school that I attended had the highest rate of homeless children in the district, so I was able to really observe the differences and similarities that it had from other schools that I had attended. Many people may say because we live in america the education is equal no matter what your economic status is but, this is untrue. Education is affected by economic status and there are many differences and similarities in lower, middle, and …show more content…

It is odd to say that the faculty and staff was different at these three types of schools but, they were different. At the lower class schools it seemed that the staff was more involved with the students, not saying that they was not involved at the upper class schools because they were but, to a certain extent. I have experienced many examples of how staff was involved more at lower class schools. When I attended a upper class school and students would skip school security guards would go to the camera room and write down the name of the students who skipped or left campus and suspended them the next day. At a lower class school not only would the security guards go out onto the streets to look for the students who left campus and skipped school but, the principle of the school would too. Then they would bring the students back and make them do their school work in detention. Other staff was dedicated too including the counselors. They knew each of their students by their name and did not wait for the students to come to them but, they came to their students. Unlike counselors at upper and middle class schools, where students saw their counselor once or twice a school year or when the student was in desperate need of help. This was the same with the schools college advisor at upper class schools, but at lower class schools he/she worked with each senior, to …show more content…

At most of the schools the teaching styles are the same, the type of activities done in the classrooms are the same, and the lessons taught are the same. The only differences was many of the lower class schools incorporated more independent reading programs and the behavior of the children. Unlike upper class schools that I attended lower class schools had more independent reading programs, even at the high schools. While independent reading programs may have been a positive, some students behaviors was a negative. I observed that more students at lower class schools were misbehaving and getting suspended and even expelled from school compared to middle and upper class schools. To support this claim I will describe some of my experiences. One year I was at the lower class school with the highest rate of homeless students in the district, and I remember that I was in history class and my teacher told us that the whole school was doing a reading test to see what grade level we were on. I thought that this was a little weird because we were in high school and this was something elementary school students did. I passed the test reading above my grade level and I expected my peers had done the same. I was still curious on why we had to take the test so I asked my teacher a couple of days later. Her response shocked me, she said many students at this school read on a elementary

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