Social Cognitive Learning Theory Analysis

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In order to determine if HR practitioners can benefit from cognitive theories of learning, it is important to identify whether these theories are suitable for organizations today. Social cognitive theory (SCT) is highly relevant to classroom or formal learning, in which facilitators serve as role-models by presenting the behavior to be learned along with the way to accomplish it, discussing its effectiveness, practising the behavior with the learners and providing corrective feedback (Gibson, 2004). This can help learners develop the necessary mental patterns of suitable behavior. For example, Target stores have successfully utilized behavior modeling techniques in their customer service training programs (Milkovich & Boudreau, 1997). The …show more content…

Informal learning also occurs in the middle of crucially important situations and such instances reflect the principles of SCT since they require a blending of individual traits such as intellectual drive, determination and self-confidence (Marsick and Watkins, 2015). While earlier social cognition studies examined cognition in groups and group actions rather than individual behaviour, more recent studies have acknowledged the presence of individual motivations and cognitive strategies within the group dynamic which has led to a more robust development of Social Cognitive Learning Theory (Akgün et al, 2003). Thus, HR practitioners with a good knowledge of SCT can better understand the impact of workplace interaction and can help promote effective learning within their …show more content…

While behaviorists assess learners to arrive at an indication of where training should begin and which reinforcers would be effective; cognitivists seek to determine the individual's predisposition to learning and the best way to present new information so that it is readily assimilated into the learner's existing mental structure (Ertmer and Newby, 2013). Taking into consideration needs such as career advancement, performance, job security and work-life balance can help HR practitioners to develop the right motivational strategies to link training outcomes and individual benefits (Bohlander, Snell and Morris, 2015). Behaviourism uses feedback as reinforcement to make the desired changes in behavior , while in cognitivism uses outcomes as feedback to promote the formation of more accurate mental structures (Harasim, 2017). Adult learning also promotes use of techniques such as role-plays and practice within the work environment to help retain new knowledge and enhance transference (Bierema and Merriam, 2013). This can help learners use their past experiences to inform their learning and to share the same with others, thereby utilizing elements of social cognitive learning theory. Finally, training outcomes need to be evaluated to