Social Learning Theory Essay

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Social learning theory The effects of other individuals on behaviour: Individuals can affect the way we act and our personality can change when we are with specific people. Individuals may distract us from what is important or can distract us when trying to complete a certain task, therefore individuals can control our performance. When someone depends/relies too much on another individual it can result in a loss of identity within a person. The effects of groups on behaviour: Every single group of people will have their own sets of norms, norms within a group refer to behaviours that are considered normal within the group. Norms affect us in our everyday lives, it affects the things we value as a person and the way we behave, we often don’t realise that we are influenced by norms. The set of norms within a group develop as the group grows, so anyone who is new to the group will adapt their behaviour to the group’s norms. As individuals we have to go through the process of conformity in order to fit in a particular group, which complies with ‘rules’, which could be informal or formal. The effects of culture and society on behaviour: Culture is the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular person or society. Culture is a complex normality within life, it incorporates most aspects of experience …show more content…

There are two types of self-fulfilling prophecies; self-imposed prophesies and other-imposed prophecies. Self-imposed prophesies occurs when a person’s own expectations influence their behaviour, other-imposed prophesies occur when someone’s own expectations influence someone else’s actions. The overall meaning of the self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly will cause a specific prediction to come true due to just that person expecting it to come true. An expectation about a person or an event can affect our behaviour towards it which therefor causes the expectation to become