Social Media Impact On American Youth

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American Youth on Social Media

Society today is faced with the continuing problem of social media. What was once used as a tool to help mankind, is now the cause of teenage obesity, lack of social skills, and teenage menopause. Social media's suck the imagination and creativity out of these poor teenage souls being forced to be slaves by Facebook, Twitter etc. They take over the youth and turn them into helpless robots that make them unfit to live in society. This reoccurring problem is concerning the adults of the nation who are worried for the upcoming future of the American population. But fear not, the solution to this panic is simple, to wipe out the use of electronic devices completely. …show more content…

Elimination of electronics and social media lead to less health problems. Studies show that American has the top most largest obesity rate in the entire world. The cause of this obesity? Social media. No longer will there be teens updating their status every two minutes while stuffing their faces with potato chips because they are too lazy to get up and make dinner. Taking out electronics and social media will drop the obesity rate down as far as the stock market crash.

Now a days, you never see a teen out with their friends without all of them being on their phone. You see teenagers trying to multitask on their phone and trying to have a conversation at the same time, which usually does not go very well. Solving this problem will have to make teens look at each other when talking, not by text or chat. If kids want to "laugh out loud" or "roll on the floor laughing," they can do so without being constrained to a text message, which allows youth to become better