Social Media Ladders North Korea's Button Summary

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The title of this article is Social Media Shudders After Trump Mocks North Korea’s ‘Button’, written by Austin Ramzy and published on the third of January 2018.
The newspaper this comes from is The New York Times.
In this article, the main idea focuses on Donald Trump’s tweet mocking and teasing the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, over how out of the two nation’s, whose nuclear weaponry was stronger. This caused a cloud of concern and fear to set upon the millions of citizens who either witnessed the tweet themselves on their Twitter accounts or seen it on the actual news. While Kim Jong-Un claimed that a “nuclear button is on his desk at all times,” the first thought to come to Trump’s mind, is to retaliate with his Twitter account and …show more content…

His tone develops a sense of alarm among other government officials as they are quite concerned on the subject that the President chooses to deal with foreign policy challenges with destructiveness and his play on words. It seems as if he takes into no consideration what his actions may result to for each and every American and how unprofessional he appears to others in politics. Many believe that this incident shows just how much of a child Trump is and how those who support him can ignore his chaotic actions and laugh it …show more content…

This is important because it emphasizes the fact that Trump is a man of impulse and seems to do/tweet the first thing that comes to mind, without any consideration of the consequences. Another fact was how in his tweet, Trump even mentioned how, “will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him.” This insult is important as it raises the chances of nuclear war with North Korea as our President disrespects the unstable dictator and pushes him towards anger towards all Americans. The last fact is how even after a year of the Kim Jong-Un’s casual threats of war and his discrimination towards the U.S, you would think Trump would have the simple knowledge and caution to not taunt the North Korea leader who wishes to aim a ballistic missile right at the United