
Social Media's Positive Effects On Not Only Kids?

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No matter what people say or what people do there will always be two sides to every story or two points of view on everything that people do in their life. You will hear the good and the bad the right with the wrong and anything else people can try to come up with to prove their point. In this essay I will not tell you what is right and what is wrong; I will only try to inform you and educate you on the effects that social media has on not only kids but also adults. I will talk about the effects social media has on behavior changes, the positive things about social media, and many other topics that have been researched about. All in all, the debate over wether or not social media is good or bad towards kids and our health with how it changed society has been a huge controversy for many years and it still is today. Throughout this essay I will tell you what side I choose along with many reasons to back up my answer. Although social media has been around since I was born and many other people, I still can remember the days when we had to get on our computer to log onto Facebook. As stated by Smallbiztrends “the earliest forms of the internet was developed in the 1960’s.” Crazy to think how far we have came from box computers to being able to access anything on our cell phones these days. The roots of …show more content…

I think that social media is good, but then I can see the negative side. Something positive about social media is how it creates new social connections. Statistics show that 70% of adults have used social media sites to connect with relatives in other states, and 57% of teens have reported making new friendships on social media. Another thing that social media is good for is making people have a better quality of life. An example of this could be people on Twitter or Facebook who make groups to chat with. In these groups people could talk about their problems, stories, and create a strong support

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