Sociocial And Emotional Perspectives Of Honey And Mumford Model

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Honey and Mumford model: Honey and Mumford (1986) adopted Kolb 's model and created their own version. They renamed the "learning styles" as activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist (Sarabdeen, 2013). Activists individuals enjoy new experiences, tend to make decisions intuitively, but they dislike structured procedures. Reflectors observe and describe processes, try to predict outcomes and try to understand meaning Theorists focus on ideas and systemic logic and are distrustful of intuition and emotional involvement. Pragmatists like practical approaches and debates, but they tend to avoid reflection and deep levels of understanding (Kappe, et al. 2009).

Dunn and Dunn model: Dunn and Dunn model incorporates twenty elements subdivided into five basic stimuli. These stimulus elements are; environmental, emotional, sociological, psychological and physiological elements which influence individuals ability to learn (Dunn, 2003; Dunn et al., 2009). Environmental element incorporates individuals’ preferences for the elements of sound, light, temperature and furniture or seating design. Emotional element focuses on students’ levels of motivation, persistence, responsibility and structure. Sociological element addresses students’ preference for learning alone, in pairs, with peers, as part of a team, with either authoritative or collegial instructors or in varied approaches. Physiological element examines visual, auditory, kinaesthetic or