Sociological Concepts Of Golf

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My literature review is based on three sociological concepts and golf. The three topics are as follows: agents of socialization., stereotypes, and symbols. In the literature review it will discuss my findings about the following: the agents of socialization and how the different agents are reflected in society and in golf, stereotypes and the attributes about women golfers and the attitudes of golfers, and how symbols are objects, ideas, and expression used to convey a different meaning. Lastly, it will also discuss the findings how the sport of golf symbolizes success and status, patriarchy, and the golfers are seen as symbols. The findings will explain how each sociological concept corresponds to golf in some aspect.
Topic 1: Agents of Socialization. …show more content…

Moral of Constraint is “doing the right thing” shows “respect for authority figures.” Moral of Corporation is, “making an independent decision to value the relationship or group over something else.” This concept is dealing with respect for peer groups and not authority figures. Learning Appropriative Socio-cultural Roles. In the article it discussed that, children learn by observing and interacting with their peers. Achieving Personal Independence. In the article peers provide physical, social, intellectual and emotional support. Peer groups are also important in the business sector in society. According to the article Importance of Peer Groups by CEO University is states that peer groups should be formed to “get new ideas and rejuvenate business minds” without conflict. The article also discussed how peer groups offer no biased judgment toward individuals. Also is the article, opinions from peers are not judgmental, they do not want your money, and it is …show more content…

Religion influences different aspects of people lives The Family, Peers, Church, and School article by Boundless, discussed how religion teaches the children the meaning of the religion and how can and should they incorporate their faith in their everyday lifestyle. Golf and religion goes hand and hand. With religion, there are rules, regulations, and standards and such is the same in the sport of golf. The USGA: Rules of Golf website details the rules and regulations of golf. An example from the USGA is “Rule 12-1. Seeing Ball. In addition… (i) permit a player to search for his ball anywhere on the course when it may be covered by sand and to clarify that there is no penalty if the ball is moved Principal Changes 7...” With religion there are a set of rules and regulations that one must follow and the same when it comes to