Socrates Time Period Antiquity: A Period In Athens

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Time period Antiquity
Classification Classic Greek: A period in which Athens was established as the center of Greece and became a hub for politics and culture.
Name: Socrates (470 - 399 BC)
Socrates is known for the Socratic Method which involves questioning everything until weaknesses appear in a person’s thoughts and views. He believed that by asking questions people would be able to recognize their faults and change them. However not everybody agreed with him and because of this Socrates was put to death by hemlock but before his death he was able to teach Plato and others about philosophy. While Socrates was very intelligent he did not know everything and often used rationality to help understand why people needed to feel various emotions such as happiness while avoiding emotions such as jealousy and guilt in everyday life. Time period Antiquity
Classification Classic Greek
Name: Plato (428- 347 BC)
Plato was a student of Socrates and therefore his philosophical views were greatly influenced by him. One of his major beliefs was what is Eternal and immutable against what flows and that there was not a physical basic substance. He believed that all substances had the ability to change or …show more content…

Since he was a rationalist he wanted to create a philosophical system without the help of other. He was very interested in the relationship that existed between the human body and our minds. Descartes wanted to understand this relationship and while attempting to understand this he found that you can’t rely purely on your senses. After coming to this conclusion he started trying to understand how gods works. By using quantitative rather than qualitative work he concluded that there are two realities’ which are thoughts and matter he laid the grounds for dualism. Because as humans we obey the laws of matter but our minds act alone in another