Soft Skills Essay Template

2011 Words9 Pages

Natalie Hernandez Isaza
English 1A+1AS
February 22, 2023
Soft Skills Essay Template

Soft skills are skills that are applicable to every occupation: The reason being is that they are social and people skills, which despite not being quantifiable are profitable. Think about which co-workers you do and don’t like at work, which managers you’ll guiltlessly fake calling out sick to and ones you’d come to work for. Most people are willing to go the extra mile for people they find amiable but won’t feel bad screwing over someone they don’t. Employees and employers alike have much to gain from developing social proficiency. Usually people are concerned about job specific skills, what they’ve trained for in school; also known as hard skills. …show more content…

It is the cornerstone of good work ethic, and work ethic is the cornerstone of a company. Employees who can demonstrate resilience are able to work despite inevitable difficulties are worth keeping around. In “Resilience: a Soft Skill to be Developed Urgently”, the author writes, “Another point, resilience is a capacity that ingests other soft skills . . . [such as] adaptability . . . – a resilient individual brings together many other faculties to overcome his or her traumatic episode and to continue to do the job effectively. According to an Ifop Lavazza study, adaptability is one of the most valued soft skills in a company”. The study in the article shows the resilience can present itself in a variety of ways, including adaptability. This adaptability will help students stay ahead of the curve. Students with this soft skill won’t be caught off guard by a change of due date or a surprise meeting. They will also have a better time balancing school life and personal life since resilient individuals can overcome difficult times better than others. Being able to work with the uncertainties in life will greatly increase the chances of doing better in classes. Not only does this apply to academics, it also applies to the professional world. Revisiting “Resilience: a Soft Skill to be Developed Urgently”, the author states, “Thus, if we consider that resilience is a skill that includes adaptability, stress management and motivation, then it becomes extremely valuable in times of crisis.”. In every job there are obstacles, it’s a part of the job and a part of life. Someone who is able to remain judicious while the competition is too busy trying to regain their composure appears attractive to employers. Resilient attitudes are contagious, one resilient person can bolster resilience in a whole team. A worker who’s resilient could save a project that has gone off the rails, or always be