Lesson 11- Students were able to explore the NASA website and the solar system. By doing so, students found data in scientific notation and were able to make connections to science. In an upcoming science unit, students will be researching a specific planet so this lesson provided an quick
Before Oceans Module DBA: Answer the following Self -Assessment Questions based on the scale below prior to the DBA. I fully understand and able to discuss in detail 4 of the following main idea concepts discussed in the Module: I fully understand and able to discuss in detail 3 of the following main idea concepts discussed in the Module: I fully understand and able to discuss in detail 2 of the following main idea concepts discussed in the Module: I fully understand and able to discuss in detail 1 of the following main idea concepts discussed in the Module: Develop logical connections through physical principles, including Kepler's and Newton's Laws about the relationships and the effects of Earth, Moon, and Sun on each other.(SC.912.E.5.6)
As a reader having a small caption explaining what each graphic is showing is helpful. It also helps me understand the process of how our Solar System became what it is
Instructional Plan Engage, Connect, and Launch: Engage: Say, “I know everyone here knows what a square and a rectangle are, but do you know the difference? These are two more 2 dimensional shapes that we’re going to talk about today.” Connect: Say, “Today we’re going to look at squares and rectangles and find out what is different between them because they both look like boxes, right? In fact, I’m sure everyone has received gifts that came in a square and a rectangle shaped box.”
Howard Chandler Christy used females in most of his propaganda posters for World War 1. Howard Christy was a committee artist for the Department of Pictorial Publicity which was a section of the Committee on Public Information. The Committee on Public Information was started by President Woodrow Wilson in order to gain the support needed from the American people to enter World War 1. During the United States involvement in World War 1, the United States published approximately 2500 posters. According to Creel, the Department of Pictorial Publicity created about 700, which was nearly ⅓.
Livingston compares the stars of the night sky the gleam he witnesses in the eyes of his own students, using diction relating to astronomy “twinkle” and “shooting star” to instill a sense of wonderment. In order to enlighten his fellow educators of the hidden desire students can have for learning. “I look each of my students in the eye and see the same light that aligned Orion's
The Wastelands is segregated with species from hundreds of Realm Worlds and rival nations. These uniform militias employ their home world technologies to fortify their kingdoms from feuding enemies. Ruled under a totalitarian dictatorship they often launch campaigns against neighboring kingdoms resorting to guerrilla warfare tactics. Once the kingdom is toppled the captors are systematically enslaved consequently expanding their future reign. Several are capable of traveling to their worlds through the use of Realm Portals.
The students that need extra help, I will work in small groups with each student while the other students work independently on the letter of the week. Children will be for pictures that start with the letter of the week out of books or drawing picture to go with the letter. I will work with student that need extra help and the ELL students on the correct way to pronounce the sounds of the letters. We will go over the word rings that are made and the ELL students use at circle time. The letter rings can go home with the children so they can practice at
Because of the diversity that exists among our student population, it is important to offer an education that meets those diverse needs. This includes fostering an appreciation for the unique qualities students bring to the school community. Through working collaboratively in the classroom, students grow both academically and emotionally as they achieve project goals. In order to meet student needs, teachers must be prepared with the latest in professional development strategies to differentiate instruction among all learners. It is the responsibility of the district to provide comprehensive professional development and resources equitably to the teaching
Apart from these, meteorites also hold the clues to the numerous processes leading to the formation of the Solar System, such as: • Condensation sequence of the solar nebula • Fractionation of refractory elements • Metal-silicate fractionation • Temperature and pressure in the solar nebula • Oxidation states of primordial matter • Chronology of the solar nebula • Accretion of the planets Meteorites derive from asteroids and,
The students in this curriculum have the willingness for learning, but have yet to begin performing academically on a first grade level. This program contains thematic units, which involve students in age-appropriate learning activities that help in the development of academic readiness and also includes music, art, cooking, and social play. The basic concepts curriculum is meant for those students ages 6-22 who have visual impairments in combination with other disabilities and learn best through consistent routines and functional activities. Often these students have a hard time with developing skills in new or different situations.
I will actively challenge my students in content and provide them with resources specific to their educational needs. Middle grades instruction is of particular
The students will work in groups and create their own version of the water cycle on chart
Today virtually every child grows up learning that the Earth orbits the Sun, but four centuries ago the heliocentric solar system, where the Earth orbits the Sun, was so controversial that the Catholic Church classified it as a crime of heresy (UCLA). In the age of early philosophy, Socrates’ is well known. Between the Socratic method and his line of successful students, Socrates’ makes the history books. Galileo Galilei turned astronomers on their heads when he discovered moons around Jupiter. Giordano Bruno didn’t back down from any of his brilliant and different ideas.
Literature Review: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Studies, Analytical Concepts and Legal Frameworks Theoretical Approaches towards food security With respect to the theoretical approaches to food security, there are three theories developed in 1970s and 1980s as cause to food insecurity. The first one is Climate theory; this theory explains food insecurity as caused by climatic phenomena. Cox, related this theory with the concept of “famine belt” in which he directly links climate condition to food insecurity. This theory argued that in the national or local level, climate linked phenomena such as drought, floods and others are a major factor causing food insecurity (Cox, 1981, cited in Steven Engler,