
Song And Poem Comparison

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When you are being told what to do all the time, does it make you want to go off on your own way? Many people have different ways of becoming rebellion and different reasons of why they want to change. In both the song and poem, the authors are focusing on the fact that people should not be scared to do whatever they want and they should take a chance and become rebellion. However, they have differences on how the point is being made. In the poem, a person is telling the girl on how she should become rebellion, where as in the song, they are saying how they are going to become rebellion and take it anymore from anyone.
In the song We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sisters, they use a symbol towards the word “it” to define rebellion through it. “Oh we’re not gonna take it/ No, we ain’t gonna take it/ Oh we’re not gonna take it anymore. “We’ve got the right to choose and/ there ain’t no way we’ll lose it” The symbol of “it” in the first stanza represents listening to the superior people. They know they have their own rights, so they are down listening to the superior people. …show more content…

“You, my love, are allowed to let yourself down/ every night in the bottomless wild and naked symbolic dreams/ You, my love, in sleep can unlock your mouth/ and your most terrifying magic;/ and dreaming is for the courageous.” He uses fresh, engaging, and beautiful language in the line where it says, “bottomless wild and naked symbolic dreams” and “most terrifying magic”. That stanza is used as figurative language because it is not supposed to be taken literally, which is what makes them fresh, engaging and beautiful. The stanzas means, in your dreams you can be free and do as you wish. This shows how they are telling her how she can become a rebel because they are start with telling her to have a great, crazy imagination to start doing whatever she

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