Sophomore Year In High School

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Right now I am sixteen, before this I was fifteen, and fourteen and all of the other ages prior to sixteen. Being sixteen means that you can get your driver 's license, you can start doing things on your own. Sophomore year means that you don’t have to worry about being a little freshman, and you don’t have to start thinking about applying for colleges, or the ACT, or prom. In sophomore year, you are just kind of there, not really any purpose, you are just kinda there. When you are fifteen you can get your temps. You start preparing for the real world, and you realize that in high schools some of the teachers have no mercy no matter what the situation may be. You realize that you went from being the upperclassmen to the youngest people in the …show more content…

Fourteen is well, fourteen. You start getting excited because next year is high school, and you get to be cool until you realized that highschool is over glorified. You start dealing with real drama, not just the kind of drama that is like so and so said they don’t want to be my friend anymore, it’s more like someone bullying someone else for real, not just the little unimportant tattle tale things that happen when you are thirteen. Thirteen you are just starting to get use to middle school, only to realize in two short years you are going to be a great big amazing high schooler. It’s your first year being a teenager, you didn’t ever think that this day would come where you would actually be a teenager. Twelve is sixth grade, first year of middle school, what more is there to say about twelve? Eleven, oh eleven how far gone are you. Fifth grade, five years ago seems like an eternity. Ten, first year as double digits, and the only things that really mattered in life were what was for lunch that day, and who all had candy with them, and what you had as trade to get that …show more content…

There are also the things that seem really important but we often forget about them. The first memories that pops into my head when I think about memories is when I picked out my first pig. His name was Champ and he was black with white around his front shoulders, kind of like a half oreo. I could walk him anywhere, and we would go through the field, and in the front yard, and through the garage, my parents were surprised when they saw me with him. To be honest I picked him out because he was cute, and he was probably one of the best pigs I’ve ever had. The other memory that comes into my minds is when I was with Molly Urmanski at the state fair this year, and we would always talk in a British accent when we would walk our pigs, we also bought some pretty sweet light up shoes! We also hung out with my friend Kailen Smerchek who is one of my best friends in the entire world. We met when we were very little because we have been showing together our entire lives, but we didn’t become friends until we were both about ten years old, the year of candy trading. Some of the best times of my life were made showing pigs which is started when I was nine, the year we started to make our own friends, and figure out who the true ones really are. My passion throughout all of my years has been showing pigs, sixteen, all the way down to two or three, and it will continue to