Special Moment Research Paper

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There are some special moments in everyone 's lives containing small changes and end up being a life changing event, which changes everything and anything, which makes you a whole different person with new thoughts and feelings. They change you, your life style, and your thoughts as like there is a chemical change taking place in your brain and in your life. Well, I had my own special moment three years ago, the night we decided we want to move to the United States in three months. I must admit; I did not handle it in the best way. The thought of me not being able to join the family reunions on Friday nights in my grandma 's house, the thought of me not being able to walk home from school with my friends and stop by the ice cream shop and …show more content…

My first year in the United States is probably the only year of my life that I wish had never happened. I was struggling with learning English, being familiar with the American culture, and finding friends. In the first six months, I had to ask my teachers and classmates to repeat themselves in order for me to understand what they were saying. I was very embarrassed, but I did not have any other choice. I felt under a huge pressure because my parents wanted me to make all A 's and I felt like I owe this to them because the only reason we moved here was for my brother and I to have the opportunity to study in this country and become successful doctors and make our future bright. My parents had to give up a lot for us to have this opportunity; they had to give up on their jobs in Iran while they studied more than twenty years be what they always wanted to be, they had to give up on their own parents and deal with being away from them, and they had to give up on their social standing just for us to become successful, and for this reason I could not let them down. I spent hours and hours and hours studying. To be honest, I was slowly starting to get used to my situation and surprisingly, after my second year in the US, I was starting to like my new