Definition Of Courage Essay

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“Courage” what is it? The dictionary definition says courage is “The ability to do something that frightens one.” Though what does it mean to you, and what does it mean to you to be courageous. In your mind is courageous when you save somebody’s life, jump out of a burning building, or simply climbing a mountain? Well to me, in order to be courageous you have to fight a fear. An example of fighting a fear is like when I held a snake in the third grade. For many people snakes are a common fear, even today the hair on the back of my neck stands up when near one. Though, luckily I had the opportunity to face this fear. During my third grade year, my school had a career day. At this career day, one of the volunteers brought in snakes since they worked with reptiles. This volunteer brought a corn snake , a black snake, and a copperhead (we did not hold the copperhead). After talking about what she did in her job she brought out the snake’s. Specifically I remember holding the black snake first. I was able to keep myself together with having the knowledge that black snakes are not venomous. The texture of the snakes skin was very unusual, and kind of put me back in my “no snake” shell. A few minutes after passing the snake on I got to hold the corn snake. I was not nearly as nervous to hold this snake since my… friend …show more content…

I was at my gym when I heard two older boys, who should be mature enough not to bully, were laughing and snickering an older disabled gentleman. This to me was an act of courage because in the end it could have backfired on me, and I could have become the victim of bullying. Others may say that it’s not courageous its just the right thing to do. Though when you’re me and have problems with speaking out its a pretty big deal. Like I said before courage is when you do something despite the dangers and effects, even if it is just a stupid fear, and for me speaking out like that was very