Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Case Study

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The paper below evaluates spinal manipulative therapy and the extent to which it is a useful treatment strategy for chronic lower back pain. It is proposed that spinal manipulative therapy offers therapeutically acceptable short-term relief for patients in the treatment of chronic lower back pain due to its non-invasive nature. Thorough reviews of several studies were the means by which this hypothesis was tested. EBSCO host and PubMed searches were used for this paper. The strategy entailed careful review of relevant peer reviewed scholarly articles produced over the past several years with emphasis on journals with a high impact factor. It was found that spinal manipulation might be beneficial for patients to maintain post intensive treatment and reduce disability levels. It was also found that spinal manipulation only …show more content…

A leading institution, such as the National Institutes for Health, would need to create a large-scale, multi-site, wide-ranging study that encompasses thousands of test subjects and use the most rigorous guidelines possible to ensure that the study is as methodologically sound as possible. The procedural rigor of the studies included in this paper appeared strong; however the sample sizes were not large enough (in most instances) to justify generalizing the findings to the general population. Word Count for Abstract: 244 words Keywords: spinal manipulation; chronic lower back pain; short term; therapy; functional outcomes; meta-analysis Ultramini Abstract: Due to the weakness of limited data available in the literature there was no definitive answer to the clinical relevance of spinal manipulation for improving chronic lower back pain. Notwithstanding its relative low cost and non-invasive nature, further research is still needed in order for spinal manipulation to have an evidence-based place in chronic lower back pain