The Importance Of Cutting In High School Sports

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Imagine if a high school abolished all cutting deriving out of competitive sports in order to protect various student’s self-esteem. All you would need to do in order to play on a team would be to sign up. Each student would have equal playing time because everyone is equal to each other. This high school would end up doing terrible in all of their sports, due to the fact that many would do it in order to try something new, many would not take the sport seriously, and these inexperienced students will always be up against the best students from other high schools, who could easily hurt inexperienced players. This is, without a doubt, a possible outcome of not cutting from sports teams. Sounds like it would do more harm to students than hurt, right? There is a place for students wanting to try new sports, and it is called Intramurals. In middle and high school competitive sports, cutting is a practice that should continue. …show more content…

According to Brooke de Lench, “One high school student described it as being punched in the stomach.” Although getting cut can cause students’ great stress and damage to self-esteem, it would be more damaging if a student made the team when he deserved not to and then failed to meet the requirements of being an acceptable teammate. Not being prepared to compete while on a competitive team may lead the unprepared player’s teammates to dislike them due to their inadequate skills. The competitor would have greater stress due to the desire to fulfill something he can’t, and this would last for a longer period of time than a one-time