
St. Francis Of Assisi Research Paper

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Saint Francis of Assisi was canonized as a saint two years after his death on July 16, 1228 (St. Francis of Assisi Biography.com 18). He is the patron saint of animals and loved seeing them everyday (St. Francis of Assisi Biography.com 1). He has many great experiences from animals and everything they have done for him. Francis gave all of his money to the Church even though his father disagreed with his decision (Middle Ages 5). Soon after, Francis left his father to live how God called him to be. He saw visions from God asking him to repair his Church (Middle Ages 4). After he got a little older, he decided to give up wealthy living to live a life in poverty, following God’s word. Furthermore, when Saint Francis was growing up, he became sick. …show more content…

During this time he was extremely sick (Middle Ages 11). He died while he was singing from Psalms 141 (Middle Ages 11). Saint Francis of Assisi has millions of followers that worship him and his decisions (St. Francis of Assisi Biography.com 18). Having his followers by his side was very comforting to Francis. He has an outstanding love for nature and animals (Middle Ages 9). This made him very close to his surroundings. Besides, Francis had an amazing life and enjoyed what he had accomplished. Saint Francis of Assisi was a wealthy young boy full of privileges who was ordained a saint after he died; he had millions of followers that looked up to him and what he did (Middle Ages 1)(Middle Ages 11)(St. Francis of Assisi Biography.com 18). His followers were very supportive of him when he came to making decisions. Saint Francis used the book as an creative outlet for his thoughts and to help him with decision making. Having the Bible by his side was very comforting for him and helped him with so many decisions in his

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