St John Imperfect

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Ideally Ironic Imperfection Perfection is nonexistent in the material world in which the human race eaks out an existence. However, a perfect universe possesses no evil, and can therefore possess no good either, for each concept is defined by its opposite. Only an imperfect world can truly support the concepts of good and evil, and the real world is no exception to this fundamental truth. This idea may seem ironic, but it excludes no idea, person, or institution. St. John's Preparatory School, like many other schools in the country, consists of the individuals who participate in it. Since these individuals, according to the laws of the universe, remain imperfect, then St. John's Prep must also be imperfect. Therefore, the school (being an excellent school by most standards) also possesses a great many redeeming qualities. …show more content…

Learning to deal with a large workload remains an important skill in the modern world, but the very purpose of attending a school remains to learn the concepts taught in said school. One unintentional effect of a student enrolling in honors level classes at St. John's Prep is the sheer workload placed upon said student. Honors classes seem to focus on assigning physical and digital piles of homework, when all the teachers need to do is portray concepts in greater depth than they do in "lower" levels such as college prep or accelerated. Although focusing on additional concepts necessitates a somewhat greater workload, intelligent students will no longer have to worry about drowning in hours of