Standardized Testing Pros And Cons

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Laura McMinn Rader
University of West Florida
Standardized Assessment Abstract
Educators and non-educators, alike, have strong feelings regarding the pros and cons of standardized testing. There are many different aspects of standardized testing that could be evaluated. However, this article will serve to identify, explain, and expand upon research performed to determine the how the use of standardized testing, by policy makers, can and does negatively impact the population. The impact is not strictly contained within schools, but rather is felt and seen throughout the entire nation. The paper will discuss the immediate impacts on students, teachers, and the education system. It will also point out the effects upon our communities, …show more content…

One standardized assessment does not accurately reflect what a student is capable of and does not accurately portray their level of mastery in the subjects tested. It can and should be used as a “snapshot” into their education growth, but should not be used to make decisions that would negatively impact a student;s academic progress. Data has shown that “highstakes testing policies lead to increased dropout rates and decreased gradutaion rates” (Volante L. , 2008) According to research, by utilizing standardized assessments according to current policies, stress and anxiety levels, in participating students, is elevated, especially in students who struggle in the content areas being tested. (Lashway, …show more content…

High stakes testing being used to evaluate student’s academic progress, determine pass or fail, and identify “at risk” students is not a valid technique. Also, by using standardized assessments to measure the effectiveness of teachers, schools, and districts, we are only gaining a small window into the reality of day to day education. Therefore, there must be some modification to the existing assessment design. One such modification should be to include formative classroom assessments, in addition to standardized assessments. These formative classroom assessments “have had the most significant impact on student learning and achievement” (Volante & Sonia, 2010). Formative assessments can be used on a daily basis, in the classroom, to evaluate the progress that each student is making. These types of assessments do not merely measure whether or not a stduents has mastered a skill, but actually provide evidence of the formation of new knowldege gained by each student. These assessments could and should be used to document student learning and to help determine teacher effectiveness. Another way to modify the current assessment system, is to adapt the current standardized asessments to include a greater range of skills and to include higher level questioning, reasoning skills, and a deeper