Starbucks Crisis Communication Plan Paper

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Employees: As a key asset to the company, employees can include Baristas, administrative staff, suppliers, managers, etc. Each level of either international teams, or individual stores must be able to work together to fulfill the objectives the company wants to reach. As a part of the organization, they represent the image that is projected, and must be able to behave in accordance to the values of Starbucks.

Stockholders: In 1992 the company went public, creating a public influence on the company and the support of these stockholders has created a company that has expanded to an international market. The importance of communicating and responding can strengthen the bond between the company and its stockholders, leading to more progression in the future.

Crisis …show more content…

Employees must be aware of their role and duty in dealing with the crisis, and not share information when it is inappropriate.

6. The crisis efforts should be evaluated and be reviewed and rehearsed on a routine basis.

Memo: I consider that this crisis communication plan to be one that can be shared with the Starbucks Coffee Company because it focuses on key factors that can make a plan successful. The components of this crisis communication plan can be applied to Starbucks, and any other food related company, because safety should be the top priority and this is conveyed within this plan. Any crisis communication plan is important for an organization because they can be predicted or unpredicted and this plan touches on possible crisis scenarios for any of the thousands of Starbucks stores and offices. I believe this plan is a general overview for the actions that are necessary to deal with a crisis effectively for the company, and can be understood by all employees of Starbucks Coffee. This crisis communication plan examines aspects that can assist in assigning task for specific roles, and what is asked of employees during any crisis, which is important from my point of