Starting Over Again Research Paper

638 Words3 Pages

Marriages can be really fulfilling, but, not if you don't work at them. Everything in life either gets better or worse in some way, and marriages are no different. If you fail to take care of your marriage, it will start to become a drag that makes you feel unhappy and unfulfilled, which will affect every area of your life negatively. So take care of your marriage! Following are some ways to get that happiness back when you've been neglecting the marriage for a while.

Start Over Again

No, don't divorce! Instead, make a date to go out and start fresh with each other. Allow yourself to see your spouse through fresh eyes. Treat it as you would a first date where you are interested in learning more about this person and looking forward to discovering what they have to offer you.

Why do this? Because you have both changed since you first got married. New experiences have shaped you into slightly different people, and you …show more content…

They don't necessarily need each other for survival or financial sustainability.

Furthermore, when you first got married, you probably needed each other for various reasons. Maybe one of you had the home and the other one had the confidence, but over time, you have both developed confidence and created a home together, and your needs have changed.

As Dr. Phil points out, there are five categories of needs: emotional, spiritual, social, physical, and security. And fulfilling your spouse's current needs is important to their happiness and the happiness of the marriage.

Sit down with your spouse and discuss what you need in each of those categories. Things like laughter, encouragement, compassion, touch, commitment, and praise are all examples of needs. Don't be scared to share exactly what you need from your partner because this is a big ticket to finding happiness in your

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